Uppsala Network of Electron Microscopy


List of Electron Microscopy Laboratories and Units in the Uppsala region

Last updated May 2012

Laboratories and their equipment


Name of Laboratory:
National Electron Microprobe Laboratory (Earth Sciences)
Short description:
Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics research programme at the Department of Earth Sciences combines several related disciplines including classical, environmental and experimental mineralogy, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary petrology as well as high- and low-temperature geochemistry. We focus on deciphering shallow and deep Earth processes from surface to the Earth’s core. We are operating:
  • a JEOL JXA 8530F field emission electron probe microanalyzer equipped with five wavelength dispersive spectrometers and coupled with energy dispersive spectrometer as well as monochromatic cathodoluminescence detector
Contact: Jaroslaw (Jarek) Majka
Number of instruments:
Experimental electron microscopy related methods that can be used on this equipment:
  • WDS and EDS Chemical mapping
  • Qualitative WDS scans
  • BSE imaging
  • SEM imaging
  • CL imaging
  • Quantitative chemical spot analysis
Accessory microscopes/Sample preparation equipment and accessories:
  • Light microscope
  • High vacuum carbon coater
  • Simple carbon and gold coater
Data policy:
Currently our equipment can be used for a fee and the data obtained are owned by the users. (SEK 4500/day for collaboration projects, 6000/day for external researchers, and 9000/day industrial/commercial users)

Electronmicroprobe laboratory (JXA-8530F JEOL SUPERPROBE)

Name of Laboratory:
Microscopy unit at EBC (in Swedish “Biologisk strukturanalys” (BSA)) (Evolutionary Biology Centre)
Short description:
Core facility for microscopy for biological and geological disciplines. The unit is a resource for researchers in need of high quality EM and LM equipment.
Contact: stefan.gunnarsson@ebc.uu.se
Number of instruments: One EM, the rest are LMs
Microscopes/Sample preparation equipment and accessories:
  • A Zeiss Supra35VP FEG SEM with an EDAX Apollo X EDS detector
  • Specimen preparation for SEM (CPD and sputter coater)
  • Confocal microscope (purchasing process started)
  • Standard research grade light microscopes, with e,g, Hamamatsu ORCA3M camera for fluorescence
Experimental electron microscopy related methods that can be used on this equipment:
  • Low vacuum imaging for sensitive material (e.g. museum specimens)
  • STEM detector with bright field and dark field imaging (possible to image standard TEM sections)
  • In-chamber micromanipulator with PlayStation controls
Data policy:
The equipment is available for booking and can be used for a fee and the data obtained are owned by the users.

Zeiss Supra 35VP

Name of Laboratory:
EM-avdelningen at Medical Cell Biology, BMC (Medical Cell Biology)
Short description:
EM core facility with users from BMC, akademiska sjukhuset and SLU. Long experience with preparation of various biological materials and detection of proteins and carbohydrates in tissue with specific antibodies. The same techniques can after some minor modification be used for detection of proteins and carbohydrates in SEM specimens.
Contact: Anders.Ahlander@mcb.uu.se, Marianne.ljungkvist@mcb.uu.se, Gunilla.Westermark@mcb.uu.se
Number of instruments: 2 TEM and SEM
Microscopes/Sample preparation equipment and accessories:
  • Gatan CCD camera and X-ray microanalyser
  • Equipment for SEM preparations, equipment for plastic embedding and sectioning
Experimental electron microscopy related methods that can be used on this equipment:
  • TEM: Structural studies of biological material. Immunolabeling of biological samples. Composition analysis of biological material with X-ray analysis.
  • SEM: Surface analysis of biological or non-biological material. Immunolabeling of biological material
Data policy:
Currently our equipment can be used for a fee and the data obtained are owned by the users. If help is needed staff is available.

Transmission electron microscopy. Human pancreas – betacell with bundles of amyloid fibrils detected with an amyloid specific antibody.

Scanning electron microscopy. Ommatidia of Drosophila melanogaster.

Name of Laboratory:
Wood Science, Forest Faculty, SLU ( Wood Science)
Short description:
The Wood Science Unit carries out research on the hierarchical structure of wood and pulp fibres, wood biomineralization by microbes and wood protection. In particular, we study the changes induced in wood fibres during industrial processing with a view of relating ultrastructure to energy savings and more efficient processes. Research is both fundamental and applied with strong collaboration with International Pulp and Paper companies. The electron microscope facilities have developed from the VINNOVA and Industry supported Wood Ultrastructure Research Centre. We are operating:
  • A Philips XL30 ESEM
  • A Philips CM12 TEM
  • A Philips Tecnai G2 F20
Contact: geoffrey.daniel@slu.se
Number of instruments: 3
Microscopes/Sample preparation equipment and accessories: We a have an array of preparation equipment for electron microscopy including High pressure freezing, freeze fracture, ultramicrotomy, cryo-ultramicrotomy freeze-substitution, CPD and the usual facilities for processing living and dead biological samples for EM.
Experimental electron microscopy related methods that can be used on this equipment:
  1. Routine morphological analysis of biological samples with SEM and TEM
  2. Immunological probes for localizing cellular components (carbohydrates, proteins) at SEM and TEM levels using pre- and post-fixation approaches
  3. Currently developing Tomography facilities with aim for combining rapid freezing, cryo-ultramicrotomy and cryo-TEM of lignocelluloses
Data policy:
Currently we only help outside users on a limited basis for a fee.

Philips CM12 TEM

Philips XL30 ESEM

Philps Tecnai G2 F20

Name of Laboratory:
Analysis Laboratory at Ångström Laboratory (Ångström Laboratory)
Short description:
The microstructure laboratory (MSL) is responsible for the technical management of the electron microscopy laboratory at the Ångström laboratory. The laboratory is used by scientists from materials science, chemistry and physics. The Laboratory is an open facility and instruments can be used for a fee.
Number of instruments: 7
Microscopes/Sample preparation equipment and accessories:
  • Tecnai F30, STEM, EDS, GIF2002, , sample holders: electrical feed-through holder, cryo, double-tilt
  • Titan Themis 200kV, probe corrected, SuperX windowless EDX detector
  • Zeiss 1550 FEG, EBSD, EDS
  • Zeiss Merlin SEM with EDX and EBSD
  • LEO 440, EDS
  • FEI FIB DB235, EDS, Omniprobe, Gas-injectors, HRSEM
  • FEI ESEM XL30, GSE detector, E-beam lithography, Alto cryo-stage
  • Preparation laboratory with grinding equipment, light microscopes, Gatan-PIPS
  • Other equipment in Analysis lab: AFM, Nanoindenter, ESCA, light microscope, Alpha step
Experimental electron microscopy related methods that can be used on this equipment:
  • Chemical analysis: point analysis in TEM/SEM and mapping using EDS, EELS, EFTEM
  • FIB/TEM sample preparation
  • Tomography
  • Analysis techniques for biomaterials
  • Magnetic properties using electron magnetic circular dichroism (EMCD), holography, Lorentz microscopy
  • FIB cut and SEM cross-sectional observation
  • Crystallographic mapping using EBSD
Data policy:
Currently our equipment can be used for a fee and the data obtained are owned by the users.

Tecnai-F30 TEM


Zeiss 1550 Gemini

Name of Laboratory:
EM-unit at Rudbeck / BioVisplatform
Short description:
EM core facility with users from akademiskasjukhuset,BMC and SLU. Long experience with preparation of various biological materials and detection of substances and structures with antibodies. The same techniques can after some minor modification be used for detection of proteins and carbohydrates in SEM specimens.
Contact: Anders.Ahlander@igp.uu.se
Number of instruments: 1 TEM,Eagle camera is attached, and in September we will have a GATAN camera connected
Microscopes/Sample preparation equipment and accessories:
  • Technai electron microscope
  • Eagle and Gatan CCD
  • Equipment for plastic embedding and sectioning.
Experimental electron microscopy related methods that can be used on this equipment:
  • TEM: Structural studies of biological material.
  • Immunolabeling of biological samples.
Data policy:
The electron microscope can be used for a fee. The preparation (embedding and sectioning) and if immunolabeling is desiered a lower fee is taken out than electron microskopi time. The data obtained are owned by the users. If help is needed I´m at your service.

Transmission electron microscopy